Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dear Friends and Family,

Much has happened since our last post, today is Sept 14 2011. As soon as Maria's administrative duties ended at Lake Yojoa Bilingual School, June 28 2011, we were off as fast as we could, to visit home.
Seeing our great grandchildren was one of many exciting reasons to visit Albuquerque. We spoke and taught at our home Calvary Church.
Another item on our "to do list" was follow through with a request of our grandchild, Alexandra, she wanted to be baptized by "Tata" and we
were more than happy to make it happen, in a little swimming pool in the backyard of her house with parents and family witnessing (my heart is always moved to see our young ones "grow"). Making new friends in
the Lord and touching bases with old friends in the Lord is a very crucial part of the Mission Work. One of our first encounters was with the ever present Local News Weather Caster, Steve Stucker, he is
genuine and we enjoyed the fellowship of he and his wife. The next move was to visit Hosanna Ministries, Faith Comes by Hearing- as we
continue our outreach of teaching ENGLISH in Honduras by means of Audio English-Spanish, Proclaimer Units provided by Hosanna. We will
reach more than 300 students from 3yrs to 12th grade, for 36 weeks of Teaching Bible with the direct aid of the Proclaimer, which are donated to the school. (see photos) This summer 2011, seemed to be one of the hotter seasons ever in the Southwestern USA and mid-northern Honduras. My leaving for Central America from the home I grew up in in
ABQ was harder this time as I leave my aging parents behind unable to say when if ever I will see them again. The relation between my father and myself over the past 10 years has grown very close. What a great
father the Lord has given me and it has taken Dad and myself this long to find this out. Our younger years were more "turbulent". Dad now serves mom (she-stricken with Alzheimer's) day and night, minute by minute. Their marriage of 62 years is a testimony to my hearts
yearning for their peace. This has been one of the more heart-testing seasons that I have ever been through. Coming back home to Honduras, we come to find one of our students family has had their lives taken in a senseless act of violence(more likely due to job promotion), that
all to often proliferates the fabric of this society today. Maria and I have made our mission to teach the basics of Jesus and pray that the
Spirit of the most High God, linger in the hearts of our students of this country, to grow in a true Christian manner. I want to take the time now to thank you the reader of this news letter for your prayers
and support. The bilingual school and the church, Calvary Pena Blanca, have both been in a new season of growth, with prayer, sweat, tears and joy. I was thinking the other day as I was asking the Lord for a
"mile marker", I would like to know how far we have come and how much further we have to go? Most of my heart's questions are answered in
His time. I also find that in the mission field I do not have to wait to long for an answer. Our volunteer church mission staff has increased by a family of four from the US and what a blessing Gordon and Lisa have been. It is always a trial to come to a new country and learn "new" things and find out all the things that you do not "know".
Our food ministry is at a good start and seems to be doing well. This afternoon we will be doing a "Soup and Prayer" midweek service. Sunday
Service continues to maintain as we will conclude in 1 Peter 5. Pray for this Pastor (Chris) and I will pray for you. If you wish to help support please click our Pay Pal badge or write and let me know how you are, perhaps you would like to come visit, reasonable prices and lodging
fees can be delivered. In His Service, Pastor Chris Rivera, Calvary Pena Blanca,

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