Friday, October 10, 2008

once again..

we live in central america, far from the life we were used to, far from loved ones,far from home...but we are not alone, the host family that invited us to come and teach, has adopted us as their own in many ways. we do feel accepted, the cultural barriers are not to unlike our own, as we have latin based roots, but the language was not our own. the basis for coming is because we speak english, and in english we teach. we planned that my wife would lead the way in the teaching arena, and i would build relations one person at a time, with the goal in mind of building a church that would be set up as a classroom, teaching only the bible, verse by verse, and in so doing create a fellowship hall where one could sit and sip coffee, or eat a homemade cookie, while listening to christian tunes, or watching a life changing drama with a message, even listen to a speaker at an open mike.... the idea is to have a bi-lingual church, serving the community with the finished work of Jesus in mind and heart.

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